Business address
Kurfürstendamm 15

Your benefits

Business address Kurfürstendamm 15

Advantages that are perceived in your environment.

Match guaranteed with every business card! A representative business address in Berlin in a prime location does not radiate seriousness, but creates trust among your business partners and customers. It forms the basis for successful customer acquisition while keeping your home address private. Ideal for founders and entrepreneurs to get started immediately without risk. No purchases, no long-term contracts and no hidden costs. If renting office space or commercial premises is not yet worth it for you, the business address at Kurfürstendamm 15 at Satellite Office is just right. You benefit from maximum flexibility and can access additional services such as conference rooms, office space or secretarial services at short notice.

And with the membership card, in addition to access to all Satellite Office Coworking Spaces, you also get access to a very fine network circle in Germany and Switzerland.

Location. Location. Location.

Meeting rooms

high-quality catering


state-of-the-art technology

Telephone Service

Flexible contract terms

Multilingual secretarial service


High-speed Internet

Excellent transport links

Open Spaces

360° Tour: Come in...


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Satellite Office
KUD15 Gloria Berlin

Kurfürstendamm 15
D - 10719 Berlin

Matches with any business card.

Your company does not currently require a fixed location, but you would still like a prestigious business address on the Kudamm? With our satellite office in Berlin, right in the center, you get a business address with which you make an impression on customers and business partners - from the very first second.

  • First-class business address
  • Unlimited mail and parcel acceptance
  • Master Membership
  • Access to the Open Space incl. free WiFi (fair use)

additionally bookable:

  • Your company sign on the sign system in the foyer
  • Postscan. Scan-to-Mail flat rate
  • Telephone secretariat. Always available

Dennis Pawelczyk

"Welcome to Gloria Berlin. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have about our Satellite Offices in the capital. I look forward to your call or contact request."

Please contact us