
How do my employees stay mentally healthy

20. July 2022

How do my employees stay mentally healthy?

What entrepreneurs need to pay attention to now.

Most meetings no longer take place, contacts only digitally. Despite cell phones and video conferencing, the Corona Crisis is a time of loneliness and isolation for many. The separation from friends and family, but also the isolation from colleagues and the team, which can otherwise be seen and felt every day, makes many people more and more difficult. Because even if we can hear others or see them digitally, we don’t feel closeness. This not only affects our mood, but also our motivation to work in the medium term. For sociologists, loneliness is the communicated feeling that there is a lack of positive relationships. Alarm bells are now ringing loudly among entrepreneurs after many weeks of shutdown. One of them is Anita Gödiker, entrepreneur and provider of 11 luxury flexible workspaces in Germany and Switzerland: “The Corona crisis is one of the most dramatic challenges facing humanity. For the health of people and for us companies. Currently, the discussion about working in the future and in the home office is already in full swing – and extremely diametrically. It ranges from glorification to complete damnation. We are currently asking our customers and members how they feel about the situation. “

The demands placed on business owners and employees by the shutdown are more than complex: not every job is suitable for being done in a home office. The technical conditions had to be changed virtually overnight so that work could actually be done. After all, what good is a laptop if the team can’t access the files they need to work on? At best, cloud-based solutions existed before Corona. If not, many companies have now realized them in a very short time.

For digital support, it’s worthwhile for entrepreneurs to take a look at the following tools:

  • Miro: a virtual whiteboard for creative, virtual collaboration
  • Zoom or Hangouts: video conferencing
  • Slack: A communication tool that replaces short, direct voting across desks
  • Asana or Jira: enable digitized project planning
  • Trello: replaces the to-dos on Post-ist
  • Docusign: virtual signatures

Lonely together

When everyone works from home and the day is peppered with conference calls, most people only speak to each other professionally. The distance between them increases from day to day. But closeness is the basis for a trusting relationship. As a result, strong human connections are usually formed more on the fringes of a meeting, e.g. at the coffee machine or during a break. What can be done? Anita Gödiker: I think you also need regular digital team events. The team needs to take time to discuss and solve problems. Whether this works digitally in the long run remains to be seen.” It is particularly important to clarify accessibility. Employees and bosses need to define times when you can be reached. Especially and particularly for spontaneous coordination discussions, short questions or opinions. Otherwise, things can’t move forward and processes slow down.

It is also important to find a structure for everyday life. Set goals and weekly tasks. Routines are important, schedule fixed times for recurring tasks: Time with family -whether young or old, sports , preferably outdoors, because physical activity reduces stress. And very important are the meals: whether alone or with family, make the most of them, make an effort. NASA also places a lot of emphasis on meals to increase mental well-being.

Create variety

As an alternative to the home office, Satellite Office is offering 5er, 10er and 20er – day tickets with no contract commitment until the end of May this year. And this for both individual entrepreneurs and companies. This allows small meetings to be held in a secure atmosphere in the Satellite Office Workspace. Or you can escape from the home office for a few days a week and enjoy a professional working environment under the highest hygiene standards. Variety helps against cabin fever.

Team Splitting?!

An excellent idea, in keeping with the motto “lonely together” is team splitting. A small team can work under one roof at Satellite Office, for example – sufficient physical distance guaranteed. Even in an office. Or in many individual offices. Just as you need it. Think about it!

Stress over and around Corona is easier to bear if you can blow off steam once in a while. Humor is an outlet that lifts the spirits. Anyone who calls up Scheiß Corona by the Berlin choir Happy Disharmonists on Youtube will have a smile on their lips for the rest of the day – guaranteed.


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