
Everything digital, or what?!

20. July 2022

The “smart digital rooms” by Satellite Office offer peace and quiet, security and, in addition to outstanding video conferencing technology, the very best coffee in the world.

Digital conferences. Digital meetings. Digital Events. These are the buzzwords of the hour and we have all been more than familiar with them since last year at the latest. Satellite Office, however, adds one more thing: Digital spaces. Digital phone boxes. Both equipped with lots of digital technology and smart, grounded coffee. Satellite Office inspires with highly flexible space offers for hybrid working that have been thought through down to the last detail.

Who does not know it currently? Can you manage the physical and mental balancing act between home office, homeschooling and or partial presence in the office under the highest hygiene standards for even longer? At some point, the framework conditions are no longer compatible.

Well before Corona and in the days of Skype, Satellite Office was already thinking about new spaces, equipment and functionality of small, protected break-out units.

The result is “smart digital rooms”. Small units with the latest video technology and the most stable Internet for short, digital meetings without background noise, without disturbing factors, without distractions, without listeners but with stylish equipment, good air and good light. Communicating in small groups, alone or up to four people all over the world, was the trend in the summer and fall of 2020. Agreements, negotiations, and sometimes even completely confidential discussions were and are conducted in the “smart digital rooms” in compliance with all hygiene measures.

As a result, up to 60% of informative meetings can be conducted digitally to avoid traveling around the globe. This saves time, leads to greater efficiency and protects the environment. Users of open-plan offices need to redesign or downsize and used Satellite Office “smart digital rooms” additively. The smart mix of home office and office does the trick! This is how agile working works today.

Solution-oriented people use tools like Zoom, Teams, Houseparty, etc. every day for knowledge transfer. With great success! On their own, many lack the right framework – so not everyone has the perfect, ergonomically equipped, quiet home office. Satellite Office’s “Digital Rooms” are solution-oriented, available at short notice at 11 locations in Berlin, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Munich and Zurich and can be booked in 10-minute units – even at short notice. It doesn’t get more flexible than that.

We are happy to accept bookings both spontaneously and by advance reservation. Satellite Office is your partner for hybrid working and supports your teams – with pleasure also with delicious latte in your own Satellite Office office.