
Rent seminar rooms for coaching and training

12. May 2023

You should definitely know these new workshop methods!

The key to success In today’s fast-paced work environment, is to constantly learn and improve in order to stay competitive. Many workshops and conferences take place online, but personal contact, direct interaction between participants and trainers, and the practical application of knowledge are just three of the many unbeatable advantages of workshops in modern seminar rooms. A workshop space also gives room for thinking and is a retreat for participants to sort through thoughts and reflect on their ideas together. A seminar room can also be used as a place for one-on-one meetings or coaching sessions to ensure the privacy and concentration of the participants. Overall, a Satellite Office seminar room helps participants to better process their experiences and impressions to maximize their learning. The exclusive environment of the meeting rooms at Satellite Office has a direct impact on the participants’ ability to concentrate and their willingness to create something “great”. All seminar rooms are technically state of the art, have large whiteboards or touchscreens, some of which almost cover an entire wall. In our seminar rooms presentations have a double effect! In addition, the noble furniture has different heights and can be flexibly arranged to suit the seminar. Whether you are planning a training or coaching session, it is essential to find a suitable space that provides an inspiring and productive learning environment. If you’re looking for a space that’s tailored to your exact needs, Satellite Office is the place for you. We offer modern seminar rooms and training rooms for rent, specially designed for workshops and trainings.

Below we have compiled a few tips for you on the subject of “optimal training and seminar rooms”:

Meeting room Kurfürstendamm "Heidi Hetzer" bright Occhio lighting

Rental of seminar rooms:

For example, if you want to rent a to rent a seminar room, you will benefit from numerous advantages at Satellite Office. The most important advantage is that you have a professional and very exclusive environment that can be tailored to your training or coaching. Our modern seminar rooms are also technically equipped with everything you need to make your event successful. We have created special areas for breaks and networking that are perfect for making and deepening contacts. Our spaces are designed to provide an inspiring and productive learning environment that will help you achieve your goals.

Rental of training rooms:

In addition to seminar rooms, we also offer training rooms for up to twenty people. The modern training rooms are ideal for workshops and trainings of all kinds. We have rooms in quite different sizes to meet your requirements. From the fireside lounge for small training sessions of up to 8 people or training rooms with adjoining terraces for plenty of fresh air, Satellite Office offers the best environment for any meeting. Our rooms are equipped with the latest technology to ensure you have the best learning experience possible for your participants. We offer high-speed WLAN access and air conditioning to ensure your training or coaching runs smoothly. Our modern training facilities offer flexibility and adaptability so your event can be tailored to your exact needs.

Coaching room rental

If you are looking for a coaching room, we offer very discreet environments – after all, you should be able to conduct your coaching sessions in peace. Our coaching rooms are designed to provide a private and confidential environment in which you can work effectively.

So if you are looking for a seminar room, training room or coaching room that is tailored to your exact requirements, Satellite Office is the right place for you. In the following we give you a small question guide, which you can use for preparation but also as a checklist!

What must training include?

Successful training requires careful planning and design. It’s about much more than the right seminar room! Training should be designed to inspire, motivate and guide participants to acquire new skills and knowledge and apply them in their daily work. Good training should also be interactive, allowing participants to actively learn and deepen their understanding through hands-on exercises. A training course must have a clear objective and be tailored to the needs of the participants. Read later in this blog about eight methods you can use in a training session!

What is the goal of a training?

The goal of a training is to provide participants with skills and knowledge that will help them do their jobs better and advance their careers. Successful training can also help increase employee engagement and motivation by making them feel supported and valued by their employer. A modern seminar room from Satellite Office helps employees feel valued and rewarded – an invaluable motivational boost!

How often should employees be trained?

The frequency of training depends on the type of work employees perform and the changes that occur in their work environment. As a rule, employees should receive regular training to ensure they have the latest skills and knowledge they need to do their jobs effectively.

What belongs in a seminar room?

A seminar room should have the necessary equipment to conduct a successful training. This usually includes a projector or smartboard, whiteboards, flipcharts, chairs and tables, and adequate lighting and ventilation. It may also be helpful to provide a coffee maker or snacks to refresh participants during the seminar. At Satellite Office, the seminar rooms include flexible, height-adjustable furniture, fresh air and, in some cases, even access to rooftop terraces or wraparound terraces with spectacular views as part of the exclusive offering.

How do you end a workshop?

A workshop should end with a summary of the key learning points and a reflection on what has been learned. It is also important to provide feedback to participants and encourage them to ask questions or provide feedback. A good way to conclude a workshop is to encourage participants to put their new skills and knowledge into practice.

How do I plan and design a seminar?

There are a number of steps to consider when planning and designing a seminar. First, you need to define the goal of the seminar and the needs of the participants. Then you need to create a schedule and make sure that all the necessary materials and resources are available. It is also important to rent the right seminar room. We have given many tips on this in the blog.

What types of training are available?

There are countless types of training. In this blog, we will dedicate ourselves to the four main types of training to give you a good overview.

  • Present training: Present training is a classic form of training where participants are physically present in the training room. These can be one-day or multi-day seminars conducted by experienced trainers. Satellite Office’s modern training rooms with the latest technology provide the perfect environment for interactive learning and optimal knowledge transfer.
  • Online training: Online training is a modern and effective form of learning where training content is delivered over the Internet. At Satellite Office, so-called “digital rooms” are available to event organizers and presenters. Dedicated WLAN connections, 360-degree cameras and absolute silence guarantee smooth operations. From the Digital Rooms, up to four people can communicate and hold training sessions around the world with unlimited participants. This type of training offers many advantages, such as flexibility in terms of time and location, as well as the ability to retrieve training content individually. Satellite Office is the perfect partner with space and also technical support for online training.
  • Coaching: Coaching is a personal and individual form of training, which is based on very personal needs and goals. Coaching rooms at Satellite Office provide a discreet and confidential environment where the coach can fully focus on the client. If desired, even in the cozy atmosphere by the fireplace. In individual coaching sessions, questions and problems can be discussed and solutions developed.
  • Workshops: Workshops are interactive training sessions where participants are actively involved in the learning process. in a workshop, participants are usually divided into groups and work on specific tasks or issues. A room that offers enough space for group work and is equipped with modern technology is suitable for this. In addition, as in all Satellite Offices, for example, there should be enough other areas such as cafeterias, open spaces and smaller outbreak rooms or even terraces.

Overall, there are many different forms of training that can be used depending on needs and objectives. Satellite Office’s modern training rooms, coaching rooms and workshop spaces provide the perfect environment to impart knowledge and develop skills.

Meeting in the conference room Business Center Bahnhofstrasse Zurich

Eight creative workshop methods that will make your next event a guaranteed success!

Planning and delivering workshops can be challenging, especially when it comes to engaging and motivating participants. With the right workshop methods and the right seminar space, you can ensure that your next event is a complete success. In this paragraph of the blog, we will introduce you to eight creative workshop methods that will help you engage your participants and foster their creativity.

  • 1. The method of 6 hats: The method of 6 hats is suitable for groups of 15-20 participants with a fixed predetermined question. Each participant takes on a specific role and thus contributes to a comprehensive discussion. Six different hats are used, each representing a different mindset. By switching hats, each participant can change their perspective and contribute to a holistic solution.
  • 2. World Café: Das World Café ist eine kreative Methode, die darauf abzielt, eine inspirierende und offene Diskussion zu führen. Participants are divided into small groups and discuss at different tables. After a certain time, the participants change tables and bring new ideas into the discussion. Through this method, a wide range of ideas are generated, which are then brought together in a final group discussion.
  • 3. Open Space: Open Space ist eine Methode, bei der die Teilnehmer selbst entscheiden, welche Themen diskutiert werden sollen. After a brief input from a facilitator, participants can propose their own discussion topics and get into groups to discuss their ideas. This method promotes creativity and participants can work in a self-determined way.
  • 4. Fishbowl: Fishbowl ist eine Methode, bei der eine kleine Gruppe von Teilnehmern in der Mitte eines Kreises sitzt und diskutiert, während die anderen Teilnehmer zuhören. If anyone in the audience would like to contribute, they can sit in the middle and become part of the discussion. This method encourages active participation and allows each participant to contribute.
  • 5. Informational Trail/Marketplace: This method is ideal for larger groups. Various topics are presented at different stations. Participants are free to visit the stations and gather the information they need. Then they can get into groups and share their ideas.
  • 6. Lego Serious Play: Bei dieser Methode werden Lego-Steine verwendet, um komplexe Themen zu visualisieren. Each participant is given a certain number of bricks and is asked to express their thoughts and ideas by building models. This method promotes creativity and participants can present their ideas in a fun way.
  • 7. Whisper groups: Whisper groups are a method in which participants are divided into small groups of two to three people to discuss a specific question or task. Participants can talk and share their ideas and opinions in a quiet and intimate environment. Whisper groups are particularly useful when discussing confidential or sensitive topics. This method promotes collaboration and participants can interact on a more personal level.
  • 8. Station Talks: Station Talks are a method where different stations are set up in a room for participants to discuss different topics. Each station addresses a specific topic or issue, and participants are free to move between stations and discuss their thoughts and ideas with others. This method encourages interaction between participants and allows a wide range of topics to be discussed. Station discussions can also help broaden participants’ understanding of different points of view and improve their critical thinking skills.

Conclusion: A successful seminar, training or workshop requires careful spatial and organizational preparation as well as preparation of the content. Satellite Office is a competent partner with many years of experience, extremely competent conference staff and a fantastic range of seminar rooms, training rooms, coaching rooms, terraces and event spaces. Contact us!